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5 tips for Fortnite fans that make you play better

5 tips for Fortnite fans that make you play better

Certainly there are many Fort Knight professionals in the world, who are followed by all the fans of the game through their accounts on the American Reddit website, especially since most of them hold American citizenship and is the home of the game, or through YouTube channels, and perhaps these players have special skills and distinct capabilities, which makes Their followers learn a lot from them, and in this regard a senior fortnite professional provided a set of tips, consisting of five that help to perform better and more powerful and make you win over your peers.

Important tips on Fortnite

The first advice, which is generally given to all those who play electronic combat games, is to land and it is the beginning of the game where everyone is advised not to land in populated places. Time will die within a few minutes of descending in those areas because a large number of opponents are present, which will make competition difficult in that beginning. As for the second advice, it is related to building materials, you must obtain the largest possible amount of these materials.

As building in Fort Knight is one of the most important elements of that famous game, and it is sad that you do not have stocks to help you with this, so once you land, take out your ax and start collecting the materials for construction, and you will get those materials for your enemies that you can eliminate This will make you with a large stock of these items. Try as much as possible to get all the trees and rocks that meet you, as they are a necessity for you during your competitive journey in fortnite.

Tips for winning at Fort Knight

Reduce your DPI rate, as this will somewhat reduce your level of sensitivity while playing, especially in cases where you are trying to snipe enemies as this process is one of the important things for players to be able to confront their opponents aggressively and focus on their goals, as for advice Fourth, you should listen well while playing, use the headset and try to follow the steps of your enemies to know the source of their coming to you, as well as the direction of movement towards you, this helps you to be careful and avoid being a victim of someone trying to get around you and kill you.

The fifth tip remains in Fort Knight so that you can work well, it depends on you by recording your notes while playing, as this enables you to anticipate the next steps and gain the skill to play the game well, these observations in the long and repeated will make you your own strategy, And that you compiled its steps yourself, and in the end we would like to assure you that the continuity of playing continuously is what will bring you experience and skill at the same time, as well as seeing the latest fortnite news is an important thing as well.


Fortnite game continues to launch its continuous updates in order to provide a number of new features for players that they can use during play to create an exciting and exciting competitive environment, and the last of these updates was the update of the Chinese New Year, bringing with it a number of additions and superstitious features, and interested in adding a number Among the features that were not included in the last update is the end of 2019, in addition to activating it for some of the launched features that the players could not use.

Constant update and new features

And before we publish to you the most prominent features included in the Chinese New Year update of the fortnite game, we remind you of the most prominent events that the game went through during the past year, the most prominent of which was the game’s halt due to the black hole trick that resulted from the launch of a Qeba missile in the center of the island and led to its burning completely In a scene that was broadcast live for 48 hours, the screens suddenly pervade and then the game pauses for several months.

Amid the shock caused by the Fort Knight hiatus, its owner, EPIC Games, came back with a sudden update to bring the game back, and it was called the second season update for the eleventh season, then followed by update v11.31.1 and was provided for Mac, iOS and Nintendo Switch - Android, Xbox One and PS4, before it ended in 2029 with its new winter update, ice fishing, icy vehicles and snowy rainy weather.

Chinese New Year update

As for the new internal update that was launched by the game Fort Knight recently, which is considered the first update in 2020 and launched suddenly, the players did not feel it, but its full features and additions were obtained, and it is the Chinese New Year update that included the launch of a number of different new dances, and a number of new clothing portions. , Along with a set of complementary small maps, gift boxes and rewards in its new form, and the availability of the deadly "Flynn Knock" weapon that was stopped during the last period.

The Chinese year update of fortnite game ugn jtudg also made the presence of a weapon in a cylindrical store, in addition to enjoying the new flying flag banner, as well as obtaining daily tasks from Save The World, snow grenade and new nutcracker,

Fortnite Chinese New Year update brings non-fabulous features
