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اوراق مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط الامتحان الوزاري بكلوريا بعد الحذف من التربية

تحميل مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط , الحصول مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط , جديد وحصري الان مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط , وزاري بكلوريا مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط , للعام الدراسي الحالي 2020 مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط , بعد الحذف من التربية مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط

طلابنا الأعزاء هذه الأوراق ضمان ( ١٠٠ درجه) يرجى منكم حفظها جيدا وايضا الإشتراك بقناة اليوتيوب لان شرح موجود فيها 
قناة الاستاذ محمد حسين ياسين

مهمات الوزاري لطلاب الثالث متوسط الامتحان الوزاري بكلوريا 2020 

 كيف تجيب على القطعة الخارجية

How to answer general passage

(..., when, where, who, how, what ). 2+ ‏نحنف اداة السؤال‎ .1

2 تحاف علامة الاستمهام (؟ ) ونضع مكانها نقطة () في الجوات .

(He, She, They, It) Jie Jel ge eyes panes yal in 3

‎ead! Jatt is 4‏ ( 010 , 00 , 0065 ) . تعوض عن الفعل المساعد 0065 بإضاقة (5 ) الشخض الثالث الى الففل
الرئيسي قفي الجوات ‎ene! Saat Je na yay‏ ( (#0بمصدر الفعل الرئيسي , تخول الفمل الرئيسي المصصدر الى ماضي اذا
كان السؤال يحمل الفعل المساعد ( 000 ) مع مراعاة الحالات الشادة .

‎(accu... Will, Shall, should, is, are were, was ) Coe ‏5لا نحدف الأفمال المساعدة‎

‎: Examples

‎. What will Al buy ? Afi will buy a new car -

‎. What is Muna reading ? Muna is reading a letter -

‎. What are they looking for ? They are looking for their lost watch -

‏6 نعوض عن اداة الاستُفهام ( 10إيهم ) الثي تسال عن الفاعل العاقل يقاعل عاقل بجل محلها .


‎. Who came late ? Ali came late -

‎is, are , was were, did, do, does, will, shall, ) 48" Baas hyd tas 1 (Y ‏عادة ما نجيب ب ( نعم ار‎ 7
(.... have, has

‎. ‏على النقاط السابفة‎ aya

‎? where do you want to go .1

‎. Lwant to go to the market -

‎? When does it rain in Iraq .2

‎. It rains in teag in winter -

‎1 /A/ B ? How did the arrive to London .3
. The arrive to Landon by ship -

‎? what will Alido .4

‎- Ali will do his homework -

‎? Who made troubles .S

‎d> 3 3 1 5 . Nadia made troubles -

‎Are they quiet .6‏ ? ٠

‎- Yes, They are-

‎? Is he a clever of a fazy student .7

‎. He is a clever students -

‎Are you busy or free now ? 1am busy now.8

‎a 1-Three or more people waiting in line ............( queue ) 5
Oo 2-people who are not children ............... { adults )

\  3-another word for a writer........( author )

9 4-It makes cars, boats, and planes move ...........( an engine ) 2 A
GS 5- the opposite of safe ...... (dangerous }
0 6- A conversation between famous people ............( talk show (

\ 7-The fastest bird in the world .......( Falcon ) A
9 8-Words or pictures to help sell things .......( Advertisement } ‏و‎
‏لا‎ 9. Rice and wheat, for example .........( crops ) 5
% 10- You go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music .....( concert ) oN
\  11- very old .........( Ancient ) S
9 12- A person who helps other is .......( helpful ) SS
Ww 13-A funny book, film or play .......( Comedy ) g
0 14- someone who writes about events for a newspaper .........( reporter ) oN
\ § 15-A bird that hunts or kills other birds ....... ( Predator ) SS
9 16- Activities like running, jumping and swimming (sport ) x
W 17. Something you do in your spare time ( hobby ) ‏ل‎
‎0 18- (information about sun, rain and temperature . ( weather ) ‏م‎
‎x 19- We can clean out our teeth with this . ( toothbrush ) S&S
»  20-Hobby is to sit by a river with a long thin rod . ( fishing ) 6
‏لا‎ 21 Things that a country produces and sells to anther countries. ( exports } gS
% 23- A question and answer programme. ( quiz show ) “~

3 wicca, &
‏انا‎ 1-Write an e-mail describing a friend 7 52

og From: Mohammed

& to: Saif &
 HiSalf ec
OF There's a new boy in our college . He came to the college last month x
x -His name Ahmed . He is very nice . He is good at a lot of things . He x
is really hard working and knows a lot of some lessons , such as , 2
© English and math’s .He's also sporty and good at football . He was ~
= on my team .He's quite tall ,with short ,black hair . He's clever and a
54 really kind . gS

“>  33-Pierre helped Ibrahim to ............... learn French ......... ‏ب‎
‎0 34- Samara’s brother is very clumsy and he is always having ............. Silly ‏زوم‎
‎x accidents ..........0 x
& 34-Samara’s brother spills his drink at lunch and then he ........ slips in the puddle ‏و‎
‎35- From an early age , Ibraheem was interested in.............. ANIMAlS ........000 ‏نل‎
‎0 36- Marsh Arabs live in arched houses built from ............. Reeds ....... 22
- 37- Is blanket weaving still popular in many homes ? > Yes it is. 5
02 38-How did the deer face the negative thoughts and danger? >The deer stays 2
quiet a wating what will happn ‏ب‎
‎0 39-What can a person acquire by practicing in particular hobby 7 “
‏حم‎ >Being creative and making things can be extremely enjoyable . a
(,  40-How fast can Falcons dive? > Some Falcons can dive at 240ph. a
0 41-Where do Marsh Arabs live? > They live in arched houses which they build ‏أب‎
‎CO from reeds. ‏زم‎
‏حم‎ 42-How do many people find fishing? 8
‏ين‎ More relaxing by sitting near a lake or river watching the nature and feeling part 5
of it.
% 43-What do marsh Arabs raise? > Domestic buffalo , some sheep and Cairo. ‏هم‎
‏حم‎ -44-What dose the deer focuse on when the labour pains begin ? A
we” Togive birth to a new life. eo
% 45-How many seats dose the “ panter 3.0D" have ? > Eight seats. ‏ل‎
‏ب‎ 46-What did the professor return with when he went to the kitchen ? ‏زم‎
‎cy He returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups . a
<2 47-Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect 7 > No, they 8
0 48- Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job ? > Ves, itcan. ey
‏لحم‎ 49- What did the son buy his father ? > He bought him some food . a
(2, 50-Where can Marsh Arabs be found 7 8
‏س0‎ In the Marshlands {n the south_east of Iraq. =

اوراق مرشحات ضمان 100 درجة انكليزي ثالث متوسط الامتحان الوزاري بكلوريا بعد الحذف من التربية 

بالاخير تستطيع تحميل هذه الاوراق على شكل ملف بي دي اف  pdf كامل وهذا رابط التحميل 

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