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الانشاءات المهمة والمطلوبة بعد الحذف انكليزي ثالث متوسط

الانشاءات المهمة والمطلوبة بعد الحذف انكليزي ثالث متوسط

اهلا بكم متابعي قناة وموقع الاستاذ احمد مهدي من كل مكان نتمنى لكم النجاح والتوفيق الدائم في حياتكم العلمية واليومية . خصصنا لكم في موقعنا قسم خاص بالمرشحات والمهمات الوزارية والاسئلة المهمة التي يرشحها الاساتذة وممكن ان ياتي منها بالامتحان الوزاري وكذلك المراجعات المركزة لمختلف المواد وجميع المراحل الدراسية من السادس الابتدائي الى المتوسطة الى الاعدادية

الانشاءات المهمة والمطلوبة بعد الحذف انكليزي ثالث متوسط

From :Ali
To : Hassan
Dear Hassan,
How are you ? I'd like to teli you about my best friend Sami .He is really cool and he is
active and very kind .He likes playing volleyball very well .He is good at English and
Arabic. he is in my class .he is very clever .He's very nice looking .He's quite tall with long
yellow hair and green eyes .He's helpful and very friendly and I think we're going to be
good friends for ever

See you soon


Write about your life

My name is Hassan. | was born in Baghdad and | also live in it with my family .I have three
brothers Ali, Ahmed and Mohammed. My childhood dream was to become English
teacher. My favorite lesson in primary and intermediate schools was English . My favorite
hobby is reading books and | like playing football with my friends. | love reading novels in
my spare time . in the future, ! believe that | will be brilliant teacher.

"Writing a paragraph on wild life .

The wildlife in Iraq marshes is very natural .people raise sheep and cattle. They
plant rice ,wheat and barley. They live in arched houses which they build from
reeds .They use boats for transport .You find birds like flamingo ,pelicans and
heron. Some people live on fishing .You can find different types of fish in the

Write.a fact file about kind of wildlife in iraq.

Flamingo Is one of the migratory birds It's beautiful .flamingo is long-legged with
- pink feathers

. It lives in cold and warm areas

.It can fly to 30 miles ,and it lives to 40 years

-: Where

It comes to the marsh land in the south of Iraq .marshes is a stopover for flamingos
.and other animals


.it comes to Iraq in December every year

«:What has changed

. In 1991 the wet land has been dried ,so flamingo and other animals are at risk
They are near extinction .The draining of marshes caused many changes in

Hi Ali,
| have two tickets for marriage celebration of my brother next Thursday .You must come
because the party will be funny and you can enjoy your time .The party will be in AL-
Saaddon hotel and it will start at 7 o'clock in afternoon. Don’t forget to come to the party
in the right time ,| will wait for you.


عزيزي حسن ,
كيف حالك ؟ اود اخبارك حول صديقي المفضل سامي هو هادئ ونشط وعطوف . هو يحب لعب كرة الطائرة جدا .هو
جيد في اللغة الانكليزية والعربية زهو كان في مرحلتي ذكي جدا .هو نو مظهر جميل .طويل قليلا مع شعر اصفر طويل
وعيون خضراء .هو متعاون وجدا ودود .اعتقد سنكون اصدقاء للأبد