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أسئلة واجوبة اللغة الإنكليزية نصف السنة 2024 صف الثاني المتوسط

أسئلة واجوبة اللغة الإنكليزية نصف السنة 2024 صف الثاني المتوسط
اهلا وسهلا لا تنسى زيارتنا باستمرار في موقع الأستاذ احمد مهدي شلال للحصول على كل شيء جديد ومميز وانت الان في موضوع

أسئلة امتحان 2024 نصف سنة لمادة الإنكليزي الصف ثاني لمتوسط

لطلبة الثاني المتوسط أسئلة اللغة الإنكليزية مع الأجوبة النموذجية لامتحان نصف السنة (2024) لتلاميذ والطلبة مهم جدا امتحانات نصف السنة نماذج لأسئلة الامتحان أعدت بنمط حسب التحديث الأخير لوزارة التربية (2024) للمناهج

انضم لقناتنا على التليكرام لتصلك جميع الأسئلة. والاجوبة : للانضمام اضغط هنا

نموذج اختبار لنصف السنة 2023 - 2024 صف الثاني المتوسط مادة انكليزي


الأجوبة النموذجية امتحان اللغة الإنكليزية نصف السنة 2024 صف الثاني المتوسط

Mid-Year Examination 2023-2024
Class: Second Time: 2 hrs.
Unseen passage: 10M
QI/Read the following passage carefully:
Ahmad is a very good student. He lives in Basra with his family. At the weekend, they have more free time. Ahmad and his brother don't go to school. On Thursdays, they have lunch in a nice restaurant. On Fridays, they visit their grandparents. They live in a big house near the park.
Now answer or complete the following sentences: {Choose Five}
1- Where does Ahmed live?.
2- They live in a big house near the park. (True/False)
3- Ahmad is a very good teacher. (True/False)
4- On Thursdays, they have lunch in a nice restaurant. (True/False
5. They visit their
6- Ahmad and his brother don't go to school (True, False
Test books passages:10.M
Q2/Answer the following questions using information found in your text-book :{5 only}
1- Mr James worked in the café for (ten / twenty)
2- Mr, James lived in (Ashby / London) since he was born.
3-Why is it important to be fit?
4- Which three things should we be careful about?
5- Why is exercises good for us?
6- Which things are very good for us?
7-What should we not eat too much of?
Grammar and function : 10M
Q3/ Do as required: {Choose Five}
1- pain/her/his/ear/Ali/a/in. { reorder the sentence}
2- I like a few / a little } sugar in my tea.
3- She has cooked lunch. (negative)
4- My (dad)
car is red. (Possessive S)
5- I'm hungry. I haven't eaten
last night. (since, for. ago)
6- Keep medicine out of the reach of children. { Give advice }
7- He drunk (too many / too much} cola.

Q/4 Complete these sentences with the words in the box: {Do 5 only}
1- Our football
baked beef, team, cartoon,
2- Meat from young sheep.
didn't play well in the match yesterday.
3- Funny stories with small pictures_
4- Cooked in the oven.
5- Our teacher told us a
6- Meat from a cow
Spelling & punctuation 10M
lamb, joke
this morning and we all laughed loudly.
Q5A/ Do as required :{Do 5 only }
1- kilometres→ kph ; Second→
2- h. w
homework; v→
3- play, playing; swim,.
4- do did; go→
5- book
books; car→
6-; they
them; I→
B/ Re write the following sentence using punctuation : (ahmed and ali went to basra last december)
Story Time: 10.M
Q6/Answer or complete the following questions. {Do 5 only}
1- Who is telling the story? (Jad/Johnny)
2- Where are Jad and Johnny?
3- What do the new friends decide to do?
4. Why was Stonehenge built?
5. Why were Johnny and Aziz afraid of a sleep?
6- How does Stonehenge make Johnny feel?
Q7/Writing Choose A or B.
A - Write a story about your embarrassing moment.
B-Write a letter to your sick friend.

انتهى الموضوع شكرا (لك / لكِ)

قنوات ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الرسمية للأستاذ احمد مهدي شلال تابعنا باي مكان تريد حيث المصداقية والحقيقة في النشر اولا باول وهذه هي المواقع الرسمية : اضغط هنا . وتقبلو تحياتي
